IBM announced on April 17, 2017 that it will offer the Anaconda Open Data Science platform on IBM Cognitive Systems.
“By adding Anaconda support, IBM continues to take an open, collaborative approach with like-minded tech companies pushing the limits of cognitive tech. Now Anaconda’s massive developer community have access to hardware that is tailor built to power the deep learning applications they are looking to build.” Those who are interested can sign up for a One Day Machine-Learning Deep Dive With Anaconda course or a variety of Anaconda-based data science classes.
The launch of the Open Power Machine Learning Workgroup furthers the collaborative efforts of many tech companies working to establish best practices for cognitive tech–this time around machine learning.The new group includes members like Google, NVIDIA and Mellanox to provide a forum for collaboration that will help define frameworks for the productive development and deployment of machine learning solutions using OpenPOWER ecosystem technology. The foundation has also eclipsed 300-members, with new participants such as Kinetica, Red Hat and Toshiba.
The OpenPOWER Foundation will put these technologies center stage at the upcoming OpenPOWER Foundation Developer Congress, May 22-25, at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco. The conference will focus on continuing to foster the collaboration within the foundation to satisfy the performance demands of today’s computing market.
Developers will have the opportunity to learn and gain first-hand insights from the creators of some of the most advanced technology currently driving Deep Learning, AI and Machine Learning. Key themes will include:
- Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence through GPU Acceleration and OpenACC. Learn the latest techniques on how to design, train and deploy neural network-powered machine learning in your applications.
- Deploy a fully optimized and supported platform for machine learning with IBM’s PowerAI that supports the most popular machine learning frameworks — Anaconda, Caffe, Chainer, TensorFlow and Theano.
- Custom Acceleration for AI through FPGAs
- Porting, Optimization, Developer Tools and Techniques
- Firmware & OpenBMC
The Developer Congress is supported by the newly formed OpenPOWER Machine Learning Work Group (OPMLWG), an addition to the OpenPOWER Foundation community. The new group — which includes Cineca, Google and Mellanox, among others— provides a forum for collaboration that will help define frameworks for the productive development and deployment of machine learning solutions using the IBM POWER architecture and OpenPOWER ecosystem technology.
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