IBM introduced the latest brain-inspired SyNAPSE chip on August 7, 2014 than implements 1 million neurons and 256 million synapses and consumes on 70mW (0.07 watts) of power during operation, which is doubly remarkable as this is the largest chip IBM has ever built at 5.4 billion transistors, and has an on-chip network of 4,096 neurosynaptic cores. As part of a complete … [Read more...]
Free Intermediate-Level Deep-Learning Course by Google
Vincent Vanhoucke, Principal Scientist at Google and technical lead in the Google Brain team, has teamed with Udacity to offer a free three month intermediate level Deep-Learning course. Register here. Mastering deep learning accordingly positions you at the very forefront of one of the most promising, innovative, and influential emergent technologies, and opens up … [Read more...]
Intel tutorial shows how to view OpenCL assembly code
In order to better optimize and debug OpenCL kernels, sometimes it is very helpful to look at the underlying assembly. This article shows you the tools available in the Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications that allow you to view assembly generated by the offline compiler for individual kernels, highlight the regions of the assembly code that correspond to OpenCL C code, as well … [Read more...]
Webinars Showing How to GPU Accelerate Python With Numba
Register to attend a webinar about accelerating Python programs using the integrated GPU on AMD Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) using Numba, an open source just-in-time compiler, to generate faster code, all with pure Python. This webinar will be presented by Stanley Seibert from Continuum Analytics, the creators of the Numba project. This webinar is tailored to an … [Read more...]
TACC Offers SC15 Booth Tutorials – R for HPC, Million Core Job Scheduling, and more
SC15 offers a plethora of content for those who wish to learn. Check out the following tutorials scheduled in the TACC booth! Introduction to Data Analysis with Hadoop Streaming by Weijia Xu Tuesday, 10:30-11:30am | Beginner | 60 minutes Hadoop has become a popular choice for both large-scale data analysis and storage. Although Hadoop is natively implemented in Java, … [Read more...]
IEEE Offers access to Three Free IBM Webinars
IEEE has made three IBM videos available teaching "Application & Infrastructure Visibility to Gain Competitive Advantage". Registration with IBM is required. These videos are: Be a Superhero: Use Application & Infrastructure Visibility to Gain Competitive Advantage Learn how to gain end-to-end insight into critical applications and infrastructure while reducing … [Read more...]
HPC Training! 78 Video Lectures and pdfs from Argonne Training Program on Extreme Scale Computing
Argonne has made 78 lectures from ATPESC 2015 free to any who wish to learn. The lectures range from programming techniques and numerical algorithms to trends in HPC architectures and software. The ATPESC 2015 pdfs can be found on at All 78 videos are at the YouTube channel link … [Read more...]
The First of NVIDIA’s Free OpenACC Courses is Online!
The first of NVIDIA's free online OpenACC course (Download / Stream, Slides,Q&A), lab (in C/C++ or Fortran), and online "office hours" (Download / Stream, Slides) is available to everyone! OpenACC is a programming approach designed to minimize developer effort while delivering performance portability on x86 CPUs and GPUs. The 8-week online OpenACC course described on … [Read more...]
Learn to Make Windows 10 Apps with Free Microsoft Course Then Add GPU Acceleration!
Free Windows courses by themselves are not newsworthy, but those who wish to create Windows 10 apps for the Windows Marketplace - AND exploit the power of CUDA and OpenCL computing via C# should find the Free Microsoft course in combination with the TechEnablement tutorial "Combine C-Sharp With CUDA and OpenCL On Linux, iOS, Android and Windows" an enabling pair of … [Read more...]
Wonderful Teaching Video – The Zipf Mystery
My ten year old introduced me to the wonderful new video on YouTube, "The Zipf Mystery". It is 20 minutes well spent for all interested in information theory, computer science, computational drug design, social media, machine-learning, and a huge number of other real-world relevant areas of research and application. Consider this a form of … [Read more...]