Rob Farber (CEO/Publisher)
A recognized global technology leader (US, Europe, Middle East, Asia-Pacific) who is highly-rated, highly visible, and in-demand as a technology/scientific advisor, teacher, and collaborator. Proven individual who has demonstrated a strong creative ability in establishing the field of machine learning while a scientist in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory and while acting as an author, senior scientist, principal investigator, corporate leader, technical architect, and media consultant. He has contracts with fortune 100 companies (Intel, NVIDIA, AMD, and others), research organizations (DARPA, ONR, Cold Spring Harbor and others) plus numerous small companies. Co-founder of a computational drug discovery and computer manufacturing company that achieved liquidity events. Rob also has an extensive background in research (the theoretical division at LANL, external faculty at the Santa Fe Institute, NERSC in Berkeley and PNNL in Washington state). Widely-read and referenced in both the media and scientific literature with a substantial record encompassing hundreds of publications covering a range of fields including peer-reviewed scientific research, machine learning, commercial development, plus the design and implementation of advanced computer software and hardware. Notable projects span the gamut from a 13 PF/s average sustained “deep-learning” performance on the ORNL Titan GPU-based supercomputer; the design and analysis of the NERSC global unified file system architecture; planning metrics for supercomputer procurements; massively-parallel online social media analysis; a commercial drug design supercomputer and software system; a linearly scalable enterprise distributed file system with quality of service guarantees for streaming media (video and audio); a real time 1015 byte/s pattern recognition particle tracker for the SSC; a six billion agent epidemic modeling system; a highly efficient neural network compiler and nonlinear optimization system; plus an active participant in leading-edge technology from producing an early virtual memory microcomputer to working with present day latest-generation massively parallel processors and storage technology.
The English version of my book, “CUDA Application Design and Development” can be purchased from booksellers or on-line from vendors around the world. Here is an Amazon link. A Chinese version of my book can also be purchased (Amazon link ).
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My newest book is also available for purchase in English and Chinese versions.
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Invited chapters
Chapter 25 “Power Analysis for Applications and Data Centers, “Volume 2 High Performance Parallelism Pearls“, Morgan Kaufmann; 1 edition (August 6, 2015)
Editor, “High Performance Parallel Programming“, Morgan Kaufmann; 1 edition (November 17, 2014)
Chapter 7, “Deep-learning and Numerical Optimization” in “High Performance Parallel Programming“, Morgan Kaufmann; 1 edition (November 17, 2014)
Scientific Editor, “GPU Computing Gems Emerald Edition (Applications of GPU Computing Series)”, Morgan-Kaufman, (2011), ISBN-13: 978-0123849885.
“Bioinformatics: High Performance Parallel Computer Architectures“, CRC Press
“Handbook of Research on Computational Science and Engineering: Theory and Practice“, IGI Global
“Multi-Threaded Architectures: Evolution, Costs, Opportunities“, IGI Global
“Topical perspective on massive threading and parallelism“, The Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
Peer-Reviewed Publications
“Sociolect-Based Community Detection”, William N. Reynolds, William J. Salter, Robert M. Farber, Courtney Corley, Chase P. Dowling, William O. Beeman, Lynn Smith-Loving and Joon Nak Choi, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2013.
“High-performance the CUDA Application Design and Development: Methods and Best Practices”, (Chinese Edition) 2013, ISBN-13: 978-7111404460, R. Farber
“Thought Leaders During Crises in Massive Social Networks”, Courtney D. Corley, Robert M. Farber, William N. Reynolds, in Statistical Analysis and Data Mining edited by Joseph Verducci, Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2012.
“CUDA Application Design and Development” Morgan-Kaufman, (2011), ISBN-13: 978-0123884268, R. Farber.
“Multi-Threaded Architectures: Evolution, Costs, Opportunities” in “Computational Science and Engineering: Theory and Practice”, IGI Press 2011, I. Girotto and R. Farber, ISBN13: 9781613501160.
Scientific Editor, “GPU Computing Gems Emerald Edition (Applications of GPU Computing Series)”, Morgan-Kaufman, (2011), ISBN-13: 978-0123849885.
“Topical perspective on massive threading and parallelism”, J Mol Graph Model. 2011 Sep;30:82-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2011.06.007. Epub 2011 Jun 29, Farber RM.
“Massive Social Network Analysis: Mining Twitter for Social Good”, Ediger, et. al. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Parallel Processing 2010
“Social and Social Reality Theory, Evidence and Validation”, Farber, et. al. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2010
“Experimental Comparison of Emulated Lock-free vs. Fine-grain Locked Data Structures on the Cray XMT”, Rob Farber and David W. Mizell, MTAAP’10, April, 2010
“An Introduction to GPGPUs and Massively-threaded Programming”, Farber, R., “Emerging Parallel Architectures and Programming Models,” edited by Bertil Schmidt, Francis and Taylor, LLC, July 2010, ISBN 10: 1439814880.
“Massively Parallel Near-Linear Scalability Algorithms with Application to Unstructured Video Analysis”, Robert Farber and Harold Trease, Proceedings of TeraGrid 2008, June 2008.
“Unstructured Data Analysis of Streaming Video Using Parallel, High-Throughput Algorithms”, Trease HE, T Carlson, R Mooney, R Farber, and LL Trease. 200, Proceedings of the Ninth Iasted International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, (2007) pp. 305-310. Acta Press, Anaheim, CA.
“Balancing Computation and Experiment” Farber, R., Innovation: America’s Journal of Technology Commercialization, vol. 5 no. 24, (April/May 2007), pg 24+.
“Exploring Protein Sequence Space Using Knowledge Based Potentials”, Aderonke Bajide, Robert Farber, Ivo L. Hofacker, Jeff Inman, Alan S. Lapedes, and Peter F. Stadler, Journal of Theoretical Biology 212(1). (Sept. 7, 2001), p.35-46.
“The Geometry of Shape Space: Application to Influenza” Lapedes, A; Farber, R., Journal of Theoretical Biology (Sep 7 2001). p. 57-69.
“Covariation of Mutations in H3N2 (HA1) Influenza Sequences”, Holly Tao, Robert Farber, Alan Lapedes, LANL internal paper, (1999).
“Following Influenza’s Jet Stream” 10/15/98 Chicago Tribune article referencing influenza work. Follow-up articles appeared in The New Mexican and The Albuquerque Journal.
“A Mutual Information Analysis of tRNA sequence and modification patterns distinctive of species and phylogenic domain”, Francisco M. De La Vega, Carlos Cerpa, Gabriel Guarneros and Robert M. Farber, “Biocomputing: Proceedings of the 1996 Pacific Symposium,” edited by Lawrence Hunter and Teri Klein, World Scientific Publishing Co, Singapore, 1996.
“Use of Adaptive Networks to Define Highly Predictable Protein Secondary-Structure Classes”, Alan S. Lapedes, Evan Steeg, Robert Farber, 21, 103-124, 1995, Machine Learning, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
“Neural Net Representations of Empirical Protein Potentials”, Tal Grossman, Alan Lapedes, Robert Farber, Evan Steeg, Santa Fe Institute Working Papers (96-05-029), 1995.
“Neural Network Definitions of Highly Predictable Protein Secondary Structure Classes”, Alan Lapedes, Robert Farber, Evan Steeg, LA‑UR 94‑110, 1995.
“Learning Affinity Landscapes: Prediction of Novel Peptides”, Alan Lapedes and Robert Farber, Los Alamos National Laboratory Technical Report LA-UR-94-4391 (1994).
“Global Bifurcations in Rayleigh‑Benard Convection: Experiments, Empirical Maps and Numerical Bifurcation Analysis“, I. G. Kevrekidis, R. Rico‑Martinez, R. E. Ecke, R. M. Farber and A. S. Lapedes, LA‑UR 92‑4200, Physica D, 1993.
“Identification of Continuous‑Time Dynamical Systems: Neural Network Based Algorithms and Parallel Implementation“, R. M. Farber, A. S. Lapedes, R. Rico‑Martinez and I. G. Kevrekidis, Proceedings of the 6th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Norfolk, Virginia, March 1993.
“Covariation of Mutations in the V3 Loop of HIV‑1: An Information Theoretic Analysis”, Bette T.M. Korber, Robert M. Farber, David H. Wolpert, and Alan S. Lapedes, P.N.A.S. 1993.
“Efficiently Modeling Neural Networks on Massively Parallel Computers”, Los Alamos National Laboratory Technical Report LA‑UR‑92‑3568.
“A Parallel Non‑Neural Trigger Tracker for HEP Colliders”, R.M. Farber, W. Kinnison, and A.S. Lapedes, Proceedings of the Erice Conference on Pattern Recognition for High Energy Physics, Erice, Sicily (1992).
“Determination of Eukaryotic Protein Coding Regions Using Neural Networks and Information Theory”, R.M. Farber, Alan Lapedes, and Karl Sirotkin, J. Mol. Biology (1992) 226, 471‑479.
“A Parallel Non‑Neural Trigger Tracker for the SSC”, R.M. Farber, W. Kinnison, and A.S. Lapedes, IJCNN‑91‑Seattle Conference, (1991). (also: LANL technical report LA‑UR‑91‑607 and a 1995 Santa Fe Institute working paper 95-02-012).
“Efficiently Modeling Neural Networks on Massively Parallel Computers”, NASA workshop on parallel computing, (November 1991).
“Use of Neural Nets for DNA Sequence Analysis: Results on Combined Donor/Acceptor Splice Site Recognition”, K. Sirotkin, R. Farber, and A. Lapedes, Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Biology (Stanford University) (1990).
“Neural Networks as Statistics”, A. Lapedes, R.M. Farber, Proceedings of the 10th International Biophysical Congress (Vancouver, Canada) (1990).
“Nonlinear Signal Processing and System Identification: Applications To Time Series From Electrochemical Reactions”, R.A. Adomaitis, R.M. Farber, J.L. Hudson, I.G. Kevrekidis, M. Kube, A.S. Lapedes, Chemical Engineering Science, ISCRE‑11, (1990).
“Application of Neural Nets to System Identification and Bifurcation Analysis of Real World Experimental Data“, R.A. Adomaitis, R.M. Farber, J.L. Hudson, I.G. Kevrekidis, M. Kube, A.S. Lapedes, International Conference on Neural Networks Proceedings, Lyons France (1990).
“Applications of Neural Net and Other Machine Learning Algorithms to DNA Sequence Analysis”, A.S. Lapedes, C. Barnes, C. Burks, R.M. Farber, K. Sirotkin, Computers and DNA, SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, vol. VII, Eds. G. Bell and T. Marr, Addison‑Wesley, (1989).
“How Neural Nets Work,” Neural Information Processing Systems, Proceedings of IEEE 1987 Denver Conference on Neural Networks, A.S. Lapedes, R.M. Farber. (D.Z. Anderson, editor), (1988).
“How Neural Nets Work“, A.S. Lapedes, R.M. Farber, reprinted in Evolution, Learning, Cognition, and Advanced Architectures, World Scientific Publishing. Co., (1987).
“Nonlinear Signal Processing Using Neural Networks, Prediction and System Modeling”, A.S. Lapedes, R.M. Farber, LANL Technical Report, LA‑UR‑87‑2662, (1987).
“A Theory of Stochastic Neural Activity,” J.D. Cowan, R.M. Farber, A.S. Lapedes, D. H. Sharp, Rev. Mod. Phys.
“Programming a Massively Parallel System: Static Behavior,” A.S. Lapedes, R.M. Farber, Proceedings of the First Snowbird Conference on Neural Nets and Computation, September 1986, A.I.P. Press.
“Collective Arithmetic”, A.S. Lapedes, R.M. Farber, Los Alamos Technical Report.
“A Self Optimizing Neural Net for Content Addressable Memory and Pattern Recognition,”, A.S. Lapedes, R.M. Farber, Physica D,247 (1986).
“32-bit ‘Megamicro’ exploits hardware virtual memory and ‘RAM disk’”, Stan Metcalf, and Robert M. Farber, Mini-micro systems, October (1983).
Recent presentations and interviews:
- Supercomputing 2014, “From ‘Hello World’ to Exascale Using x86, GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors” (tut106s1)
WEP 2014: “Portable Supercomputing for the Masses, from “Hello World” to Exascale”
“Rob Farber on the GTC 2014 Keynote “NVlink, Machine Learning, Pascal, Jetson”
GTC 2013 “Simplifying Portable Killer Apps with OpenACC and CUDA-5 Concisely and Efficiently” (video, pdf)
GTC 2013 “Clicking GPUs into a Portable, Persistent and Scalable Massive Data Framework” (video,pdf)
An Intel Xeon Phi tutorial series on Doctor Dobb’s Journal
An OpenACC tutorial series “Pragmatic Parallelism” on Doctor Dobb’s Journal
A popular 28-part Doctor Dobb’s Journal GPU tutorial series.
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 28
A Massively Parallel Stack for Data Allocation
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 27
A Robust Histogram for Massive Parallelism
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 26
CUDA: Unifying Host/Device Interactions with a Single C++ Macro
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 25
Atomic Operations and Low-Wait Algorithms in CUDA
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 24
Intel’s 50+ core MIC architecture: HPC on a Card or Massive Co-Processor?
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 23
Hot-Rodding Windows and Linux App Performance with CUDA-based Plugins
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 22
Running CUDA Code Natively on x86 Processors
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 21
The Fermi architecture and CUDA
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 20
Parallel Nsight Part 2: Using the Parallel Nsight Analysis capabilities
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 19
Parallel Nsight Part 1: Configuring and Debugging Applications
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 18
Using Vertex Buffer Objects with CUDA and OpenGL
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 17
CUDA 3.0 provides expanded capabilities and makes development easier (2)
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 16
CUDA 3.0 provides expanded capabilities (1)
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 15
Using Pixel Buffer Objects with CUDA and OpenGL
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 14
Debugging CUDA and using CUDA-GDB
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 13
Using texture memory in CUDA
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 12
CUDA 2.2 Changes the Data Movement Paradigm
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 11
Revisiting CUDA memory spaces
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 10
CUDPP, a powerful data-parallel CUDA library
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 9
Extending High-level Languages with CUDA
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 8
Using libraries with CUDA
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 7
Double the fun with next-generation CUDA hardware
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 6
Global memory and the CUDA profiler
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 5
Understanding and using shared memory (2)
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 4
Understanding and using shared memory (1)
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 3
Error handling and global memory performance limitations
CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 2
A first kernel
- CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 1
CUDA lets you work with familiar programming concepts while developing software that can run on a GPU
An OpenCL tutorial series on The Code Project
Regular contributor to the Scientific Computing print and on-line articles (in chronological order):
Create Mobile to HPC Applications using a Single Source Tree
Basic tools are now available to test efficacy — it’s worth taking a look
Preserving Sanity in the Face of Rampant Technology Change
Portability is the only rational path to follow
Mobile Tech between a Rock and a Hard Place
All signs indicate a healthy continuing demand for technology that can support ever more demanding eye-candy and apps on very high resolution display devices
Big Data Requires Scalable Storage Bandwidth
A perfect storm of opportunities defines what is possible using GPU computing
Scalable Storage Solutions for Applied Big Data
The challenge lies in fitting all the pieces together so they work reliably, at the scale required, while maximizing the potential for future expansion
A Terabyte on Your Keychain
SSDs generate new products, double-digit growth and corporate acquisitions -
Power Optimization in HPC, Enterprise and Mobile Computing
Amazing juxtaposition of interests spurs marvelous increase in power efficiency, performance -
Positioning x86 Petascale Performance with MIC Architecture
Intel’s reputation is now on the line to demonstrate that Many Integrated Core architecture can compete against GPUs -
The GPU Performance Revolution
Intel’s entry into the massively parallel chip market adds fuel to survival-of-the-fittest product evolution -
Developing a Technology Roadmap for Data-intensive Computing
The role of group psychology in the transition to massively parallel computing -
Maximizing MultiGPU Machines
Multiple GPU and hybrid CPU+GPU performance is heavily dependent upon vendor implementation of the PCIe bus -
Competing with C++ and Java
Everyone’s a winner in the race for a common application language that can support both x86 and massively parallel hardware -
Caching in on Solid-state Storage
Intelligent use remains the best way to exploit speed and maintain the highest possible ROI
Primitive Restart Makes GPGPU Tech Sparkle
Exploiting the full computational power of the GPGPU to render high-performance, high-quality graphics -
Seeking Wisdom in the Clouds
Cloud computing can offer a convenient, “faster, cheaper, greener” option than hardware ownership -
Multicores and Manycores and GPGPUs, Oh My!
A fresh look at alternative processor strategies -
Is GPU Domination Inevitable?
Predictions for global HPC -
The great strength of scalable systems is their ability to make the aggregate bandwidth available so parallel applications can achieve very high performance
Racing to Perform World Class Research
While HPC technology improvements have been spectacular, conventional power-generating capabilities have lagged behind
Realizing the Benefits of Affordable Tflop-capable Hardware
Exciting things are happening with this technology in the hands of the masses -
Scalable Software for Successful Research
Intel’s reputation is now on the line to demonstrate that Many Integrated Core architecture can compete against GPUs -
It’s Not Easy Being Green
Conventional programming models must adapt to meet the needs of both low-power and highly-scalable hardware -
Cloud Computing: Pie in the sky?
Infrastructure offers potentially big changes -
Opening Minds: The Greatest Architectural Challenge
Several computer architectural trends provide significant performance benefits -
Numerical Precision: How Much is Enough?
As we approach ever-larger and more complex problems, scientists will need to consider this question -
Validation: Assessing the Legitimacy of Computational Results
Evaluating the truth and justification of scientific beliefs is an essential part of computation-based science -
Probing OER’s Huge Potential
The world needs good teachers — maybe you can help -
People Make Petaflop Computing Possible
The heart of high performance computing technology still resides in the human component -
HPC – What’s in a Name?
Making the right Supercomputing Investment -
HPC’s Future
What will things be like in 20 years? -
Back to the Future
The return of massively parallel systems -
Storage in Transition
The one-two technology punch of solid-state memory and RAM can greatly increase usability -
GPGPUs: Neat Idea or Disruptive Technology?
General purpose graphics processing units can perform amazingly well when used effectively -
The Future Looks Bright for Teraflop Computing
Amazing power in the lab is feasible right now — and for a bargain price — but programming is required -
Avoid that Bus!
Multi-core processors drive adoption of new processor interconnect standards -
Keeping “Performance” in HPC
A look at the impact of virtualization and many-core processors -
The Cure for HPC Neurosis: Multiple, Virtual Personalities!
Virtualization will almost certainly play an important role as we scale out to ever larger clusters
Power and cooling in a Moore’s Law world
Will Your Next Supercomputer Come from Costco?
A leading-edge architecture for just $600 -
The Victorian-era Child of the 21st Century
As data management challenges continue to grow, organizations are working to develop new solutions -
HPC Balance and Common Sense
Maintain ratios that work and improve on those that don’t